Overturns common misconceptions about charter schools, school “choice,” standardized tests, common core curriculum, and teacher evaluations.
Three distinguished educators, scholars, and activists flip the script on many enduring and popular myths about teachers, teachers’ unions, and education that permeate our culture. By unpacking these myths, and underscoring the necessity of strong and vital public schools as a common good, this "must-read" (Gloria Ladson-Billings) challenge readers—whether parents, community members, policymakers, union activists, or educators themselves—to rethink their assumptions.
Myths covered include “Teachers’ Unions Are the Biggest Obstacle to Improving Education Today,” “Good Teaching Is Entirely Color-Blind,” “Teacher Activists Are Troublemakers,” “Too Many Bad Teachers Have Created a Public School System That Is Utterly Broken,” and 14 more.
“The format works well and provides powerful ammunition for concerned parents, educators, and legislators working to bring about true and beneficial school improvements.”
“A methodical dismantling of the coordinated tenets of the free market assault on public education. . . A valuable compendium of responses to the shallow, classist hostility to public education.”
—Kirkus Reviews
“Recommended for academic libraries serving teachers-in-training.”
—Library Journal
“For some time now, it has been fashionable for so-called reformers to attack teachers and teacher unions. This important new book debunks those attacks by drawing attention to the actual work that teachers do every day to support children, even as they carry out their duties under constraints that our policy makers steadfastly ignore.”
—Pedro A. Noguera, author of The Trouble with Black Boys
“A fundamental question I have asked in recent years is ‘When did teachers become the enemy?’ Ayers, Laura, and Ayers detail the pernicious lies that have invaded the public psyche to create enmity between teachers and the wider community. This text breaks open the myths and helps us take a hard and sober look at what we are doing to teachers and by default our children and our future. It is a must-read.”
—Gloria Ladson-Billings, author of The Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African American Children
“An artful and meticulous dissection of the interlocking web of myths and lies about our public schools that have been aggressively promoted by private-sector forces, right-wing politicians, and collusive neoliberals over the most recent fifteen years. I hope it will be widely read by everyone who loves and treasures children.”
—Jonathan Kozol, author of Rachel and Her Children, Savage Inequalities, and Amazing Grace
INTRODUCTION: “Rotten Apples”
MYTH 1: Teachers’ Unions Are the Biggest Obstacle to Improving Education Today.”
MYTH 2: You Can’t Fire the Bad Ones.”
MYTH 3: “Teachers’ Unions Represent a Flock of ‘Go Slow/Status Quo’ Sheep.”
MYTH 4: “Good Teaching Is Entirely Color-Blind.”
MYTH 5: “Teachers Have It Easy.”
MYTH 6: “High-Stakes Standardized Tests Improve Student Achievement and Effectively Detect Inferior Teachers.”
MYTH 7: “While Teachers and Their Unions Use Poverty as a Convenient Smokescreen for Their Own Failures, It’s Become Obvious That Grit and Merit Can Overcome Every Disadvantage.”
MYTH 8: “Teachers Are Made More Visible and Accountable in Charter Schools, More Competitive Through Voucher Programs, and Irrelevant with the Advent of Teacher-Proof Cyber Schools.”
MYTH 9: “Anyone Can Be a Teacher.”
MYTH 10: “Teachers Follow Popular Fads and Political Correctness Rather Than Teaching the Basics.”
MYTH 11: “Teacher Activists Are Troublemakers.”
MYTH 12: “Discipline Is the First Priority for Every Teacher, and It Is Especially Essential for Teachers in Urban Schools with Large Numbers of Black Students.”
MYTH 13: “Teachers Need to Set High Standards and Drive Kids Hard.”
MYTH 14: “Teachers Are Poorly Served by the Universally Dreadful Teacher-Education Programs Currently Available.”
MYTH 15: “Too Many Bad Teachers Have Created a Public School System That Is Utterly Broken, and the Only Solution Is to Wipe the Slate Clean and Start Over.”
MYTH 16: “Teachers Are Unable to Deal Adequately with the Disciplinary Challenges Posed By Today’s Youth, and We Need More Police in Our Public School Buildings to Do the Job and Maintain Law and Order.”
MYTH 17: “Teachers Need to Stick with Teaching the Great Lessons of Western Civilization in Order to Civilize Youth and Mold Them into the Good Citizens of the Future.”
MYTH 18: “Teachers Need to Focus Less on the Arts, More on STEM.”
MYTH 19: “The Truly Great Teachers Are Heroes.”
- “Dismantling the Myths About Teachers and Public Education,” NEA Today, feature highlighting several of the myths
- From West Virginia To Oklahoma, Teachers Are Rising Up, Rising Up with Sonali, interview
- C-SPAN/Book TV, filmed Volumes Bookcafe event in Chicago, 2/8/2018
- Praxis Center, excerpt, 2/6/2018
- Education Week, “Teaching Now” feature and Q&A with authors, 2/5/2018
- WBUR/Edify, interview with Bill Ayers, 2/5/2018
- Greater Boston/WGBH TV, taped interview, 1/24/2018
- WAMC/The Best of Our Knowledge, interview with Bill Ayers, 1/18/2018
- Salon, excerpt, 1/14/2018
- Petoskey News-Review, write-up, 1/11/2018