Beacon Press: Swan
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Poems and Prose Poems

Author: Mary Oliver

“Joy is not made to be a crumb,” writes Mary Oliver, and certainly joy abounds in her new book of poetry and prose poems. Swan, her twentieth volume, shows us that, though we may be “made out of the dust of stars,” we are of the world she captures here so vividly. Swan is Oliver’s tribute to “the mortal way” of desiring and living in the world, to which the poet is renowned for having always been “totally loyal.“
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“One of the astonishing aspects of Oliver’s work is the consistency of tone over this long period [of her career]. What changes is an increased focus on nature and an increased precision with language that has made her one of our very best poets.” —Stephen Dobyns, New York Times Book Review

“She is, far and away, this country’s best selling poet.” —Dwight Garner, New York Times Book Review

“The music in Oliver’s writing is unmistakable. Her poetry can be read as the best of the real lyrics we have these days, and it’s no surprise that she’s already won a Pulitzer for it, as well as many other honors.” —Los Angeles Times

“You can pick up pretty much any Mary Oliver collection and be thrilled, but so piercing and penetrating that form seems to fall away, an unnecessary stage for the rocket.” —Brian Doyle, Christian Century

“Oliver reminds us of the mystery and necessity of poetry, whose source is, ultimately, the Creator.” —Angela O’Donnell, America


ISBN: 978-080706914-1
Publication Date: 3/27/2012
Pages: 80
Size:6.25 x 8.5 Inches (US)
Price:  $17.00
Format: Paperback
Availability: In stock.
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