Beacon Press: Do It Anyway
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Do It Anyway

The New Generation of Activists

Author: Courtney E. Martin

How a new generation of activists is changing the world

If you care about social change but hate feel-good platitudes, Do It Anyway is the book for you. Courtney Martin’s rich profiles of the new generation of activists dig deep, to ask the questions that really matter: How do you create a meaningful life? Can one person even begin to make a difference in our hugely complex, globalized world?

Among others, we meet Raul Diaz, a prison re-entry social worker at Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles; Nia Robinson, an African American climate-change activist in Washington, D.C.; Maricela Guzman of California, a former soldier fighting to end violence against women in the military; and Rosario Dawson, an actor struggling to use her celebrity for social change while staying authentic in her activism.
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Do It Anyway

ISBN: 978-080700047-2
Publication Date: 9/7/2010
Pages: 224
Size: x Inches (US)
Price:  $16.00
Format: Paperback
Availability: In stock.